Apocalypsis is an interactive sci-fi novel, conceived and written by Mario Giordano and published by Bastei Entertainment. The Vatican thriller, consisting of three seasons, was released with a specially developed reader software for iOS / Android as well as an eBook, audio book and read & listen version.
In addition to the creative direction, my main task was to design the look and interface. Besides, I was responsible for the creation of all visuals, graphics, storyboards, illustrations, etc. In close interdisciplinary collaboration and many workshops, the team - author, designers, developers, lecturers, filmmakers - further developed the manuscript and optimized it for the interactive applications and games within the app. Season 1 started in 2010 and ended in 2013 with the third and last season.
App Design (iOS), Design Direction, User Interface Design, Illustration, Digital Art, Animations
Illustration: Hajo Müller
The Story
Pope John Paul III has resigned and disappeared without a trace. The journalist Peter Adam is investigating. He comes across an order that has been working against the church for centuries: the Bearers of Light. The conspirators want to bring about the end of the world. But Peter's own past seems to be closely linked to the dark forces: For the conspirators, he is obviously the key to the apocalypse.
Apocalypsis consists of three seasons that were specially developed for digital devices.
Tools used: Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Poser, Illustrator
Still images from the app
2010 - 2013
Creative Direction, UX/UI Design, Illustration
Design Direction, User Interface Design, Illustration, Digital Art, Animations